Our Story

Native Organica - Native signifies desi, traditional, purely Indian.
Organica denotes chemical free, unblended, purely/truly nutritious.

These are the dominant themes on which Native Organica has been founded. Purity of intent, ingredients and ethnic process is the only blend that Native Organica stands for.

The only store in Gurgaon which displays what it does and not just claim it.
We bring the age old traditional wisdom of using desi (Native) ingredients and the traditional process. We use a Wooden Kacchi Ghani for our edible oils and a Natural Stone slow Chakki in shop for full transparency during the process.

The endeavor in doing so, is to provide a dependable and trustworthy alternative to the highly blended, synthetically processed and cheaper variants of daily staple food ingredients.

Native Organica was founded with the firm belief that the staple food in any kitchen should not only conform to the highest quality standards, but also to the Vedic practices involved in preparing them. Native Organica offers staple food products which can guarantee a healthier lifestyle for you and your family and avoid the unseen damage of using popular but unhealthy products in the current market.